Firstly, I would like to wish you all an Happy New Year 2024.

Hello budget 2024!

Christmas is gone and most of us have a list of new resolutions. I am going to share with you some recipe ideas to facilitate your journey. The ideas will be coming through my days from articles, radio programs or by friends/family.

A couple of days ago, I was listening BBC radio while I was driving on my way to work. The journalist presenter was interviewing Gregg Wallace and his new cooking project, Healthy Food recipe.

This post is related to this interview.


Before to start any recipes, ensure that your shopping list is done before heading off to the shop (A quick tip). And to be honest with you, this recipe will show you how important to make your shopping list is primordial. I want to insist on this point because it will have two impacts on the achievement of each recipe that I will share with you this month. The recipes will be short as the shopping required to create a healthy meal. I will not mention the calories content as I am not trained to attach them.

Following a recipe will help you to plan your food budget and it will safe you time. That’s why, read up and let’s cooking.


The recipe is going to be presented under the following format. A ingredients list, pictures and a step by step method to drive you through the recipe offered.


  • 2 portions of salmon fillets (Frozen or Fresh)
  • 1 tin of cooked new potatoes
  • 1 bag of frozen spinach
  • 1 bunch of dill

A list of condiments and products that I suggest to have always at home.

  • Pepper, salt, cooking oil/butter

I have my attached shopping receipt to show you that you can cook a luxurious lunch/dinner for under £7.


Step 1. Turn the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.

Step 2. Cut a piece of tin foil that will fit into the baking tray.

Step 3. Open the pack of salmon and place both fillets into the baking tray. Season them with salt, pepper, a squeeze of lemon juice and a splash of olive oil.

Step 4. Open the tin of potatoes. Season them with salt, pepper and dill.

Step 5. Open the bag of frozen and pour enough for two portions into a cooking pan with a splash of water, salt and nutmeg.

Step 6. Fold the tin foil as a “en papillote” and insert the tray inside the oven. Depending on the thickness of the salmon, baking time will be around 15-20 minutes.

Step 7. Meanwhile cook the spinach. Check seasoning.

Step 8. When the timer comes off, take the tray out of the oven and check if the salmon is cooked the way that you want. The potatoes should be steaming hot. Roll them in the fish cooking juice to add more flavor and to make them shiny ( A bit more exciting to eat!).

Step 9. If you are happy with the way how the salmon is cooked, take two plates out of the cupboard and start platting the salmon, potatoes, spinach and a wedge of lemon.

Step 10. Bon Apétit!


Although you will find the dish less exciting that the others posted on my blog, it’s a great alternative to avoid ordering a take away or baking a frozen pizza through January.

I have tried the dish myself. I have found it easy to make and for a good value. Usually, I come back from work around 6pm after picking up my little helper from nursery. Time to give her dinner, I have managed to cook this dish under 30 minutes. Light up a candle, open a chilled bottle of crispy white wine and you can turn your evening to a romantic dinner with your well beloved wife/husband!

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